
Hello! ^^

I had this idea for a while now, and finally I decided to start putting this together. I still don’t know, where am I going with this blog, but anyways… ^^” I decided to write reviews about different anime series and publish them here. So, if anybody was interested in a certain show, or was uncertain about what he/she wants to watch, these reviews would help. I will need some time to gather as much reviews as I can, and I will only review anime and manga I have seen and read (duh~ O_O) , however, feel free to make requests and ask some questions, and I will be more, than glad to help you! ^^ Also, I will try to post new reviews as frequently as I can, so be sure to check out Katsuragi now and then 😉

For now, I already know, which series I will review in the nearest future, however, if you want a review on a certain anime, you can visit my MAL here and if the anime you’re interested in is in my ‘watched’ list, let me know and I will write a review for it or answer any questions (the same applies for manga, though I’m a bit weak at that – I mostly read yaoi/shounen-ai  manga).

Series I plan to review are:

1. Soul Eater
2. Bokura ga Ita
3. 11eyes
4. Lovely Complex
5. Code Geass

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